As a sex therapist, I often hear from women who are struggling to reach orgasm or experience sexual pleasure. While there can be many reasons for this, one thing that I always recommend is slowing down.
In our fast-paced society, we are often rushing from one thing to the next, and sex is no exception. But when it comes to female arousal and orgasm, taking things slowly can make all the difference.
First of all, it's important to understand that women's bodies are different from men's. While men typically become aroused quickly and can reach orgasm relatively easily, women often require more time and stimulation to become fully aroused. Research has shown that on average, women need more time than men to become fully aroused. In fact, studies have found that it can take women anywhere from 20-45 minutes of sexual stimulation to reach full arousal and experience orgasm.
This is partly because women's bodies are more complex than men's, with a network of nerve endings and erogenous zones that require attention and stimulation. But it's also because the female sexual response is deeply tied to emotions and mental states, meaning that feeling relaxed, comfortable, and emotionally connected is essential for many women to experience sexual pleasure.
When we rush through sex or focus solely on achieving orgasm, we can miss out on the slower, more intimate moments that can be so important for female arousal and pleasure. Slowing down can help us tune into our bodies and partners, creating a sense of intimacy and connection that can enhance sexual pleasure.
So, what does slowing down actually look like in practice? Here are some tips:
Take time for foreplay: Many women need a lot of foreplay to become fully aroused, so don't rush through this important part of sex. Kiss, touch, and explore each other's bodies; don't be afraid to communicate your desires and boundaries.
Focus on sensation: Instead of worrying about reaching orgasm, focus on the sensations you're experiencing in your body. Pay attention to how different touches and movements feel, and communicate with your partner about what feels good.
Try different positions: Experimenting with different sexual positions can help you find what feels best for your body. Don't be afraid to get creative and try new things!
Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help you stay present and connected during sex and can enhance the sensations you're experiencing.
Communicate with your partner: Communication is key when it comes to sex, so don't be afraid to talk to your partner about what you need to feel comfortable and aroused. This can include everything from setting boundaries to asking for more or less stimulation.
Slowing down may feel counterintuitive in our fast-paced world, but it can be a game-changer when it comes to female arousal and orgasm. By taking time to explore your body and your partner's, and staying present in the moment, you can enhance sexual pleasure and deepen your connection with each other.
Lara Maree